
We have a TOTAL COST - Attend the Town Hall on Oct 30 - Sign the Online Petition

The TOWN HALL meeting hosted by D200 and the Imagine team was held the evening of  TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30 in the South Cafeteria.
Thank you to the many residents who attended, and special thanks for those who took to the podium to share their thoughts with the school board and administration.  

Please note that cost estimates for ALL FIVE SEQUENCES are available and add up to roughly $218 MILLION.  See the "Component Flow Chart and Sequences Diagram" at this LINK.  It is a rather confusing document, about 34 pages total.  It is IMPORTANT to note that even though the cost estimate for Sequence One totals $28 Million, including around $15 Million for academic and vocational/applied arts classrooms, that expense *could* be shifted to a later sequence (see page 4-5 in the link above). As Imagine has stated in the narrative under "General Information" in the link above, many of the components are designed to be fluid in their sequencing:
The Components were then grouped together into the five sequences based on priorities assigned by the Imagine Group, construction efficiency in the execution of similar construction scope, and logical construction sequencing. These Components can be executed as discreet projects or grouped together into larger construction projects, giving the Board of Education the flexibility to decide how much they wish to address at any one time with the knowledge of how that Component relates to all the other Components of the overall Master Plan.

The post dated Oct. 21 linked HERE has additional details from the meetings held earlier this fall, including information about funding alternatives.  Understand that in addition to using funds held in reserve (currently about $75 million is available, leaving a cushion for future needs) there are ways the district can borrow money or increase the tax levy WITHOUT having to go to a referendum.  At least not in the immediate term.  Of course, the higher the cost of the project, and the more that is taken from reserves, means the sooner that a referendum for OPERATING costs will be needed.

Sign the ONLINE PETITION - www.tinyurl.com/oprfpetition - to assert your right to vote on funding for this major capital works project.
You'll find additional information and links to various documents and files associated with this proposal summarized at Imagine LTPF Basic Info. 



TOWN HALL MEETING - Tuesday, OCT 30 at 7:00 PM, OPRFHS South Cafeteria
This meeting may be your only opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns.  The Board is exploring options to bypass voters in funding its draft facilities master plan, with its total estimated cost of $218 Million (updated number from the previous partial price tag of $145 million for the first 3 sequences).   More information HERE - scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional links with details about the proposal and its estimated costs.

THURSDAY, OCT 25, 7:30 PM - Regular monthly D200 School Board meeting in the 2nd floor Board Room at OPRF.  The agenda is posted HERE  - it includes additional links.

UPDATE: The full 5 sequence estimate at $218 Million is available HERE.  Note that it provides guidance as to how the various components in each sequence are inter-dependent.

The D200 Committee of the Whole met Tuesday, October 16.  Here is a LINK to the agenda and a LINK to important FINANCING OPTIONS details (12 pg. total)

OCT 16 - ADDRESSING FUNDING FOR PROJECTS with consultant Dr. Rob Grossi 
The agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting on TUESDAY included a presentation/discussion of possible FUNDING options for the IMAGINE proposal. This includes financing options that BYPASS THE VOTERS completely such as the issuance of LIFE SAFETY BONDS or DEBT CERTIFICATES (pg. 9, HERE).  Neither of these is subject to the possibility of a "back-door" referendum which forces a vote by collection a sufficient number of petition signatures as happened with the November 2016 referendum.  The meeting on 10/16 is for presentation and discussion only, no voting will take place.  It is very important that the D200 BoE hears from its constituents on these issues.

** How much current capital is the District willing to commit to the Master Plan? (such as from fund balance reserves)
** How much additional capital is the District willing to commit to address the Master Plan? (such as from future operating budgets, including debt certificates or the issuance of non-referendum bonds)
** Once this dollar amount is determined, what specific areas of the Master Facility Plan will be addressed with these resources?

Links and updates are also posted on our public Facebook group. 

** The next regular D200 Board Meeting is Thursday, October 25 at 7:30 PM at the high school.  A link to the agenda will be posted when available.

** D200 is hosting an IMAGINE Town Hall on Tuesday, October 30 at 7 PM.

How to Participate: ATTEND any meeting (link) and SPEAK during public comment - SIGN the Online Petition and SHARE the LINK - SEND an email to school board members (link) - WRITE a letter to the editor (WJ - OL) - SHARE this information with friends and neighbors
NOTE: Public comment is generally at the beginning of the School Board meetings.

Our SEPT 15 post includes a RECAP of the IMAGINE OPRF Long-term Facilities proposal. (LINK)