
Important Meeting at OPRFHS on Tuesday, May 17 at 7 PM to review pool proposals

BOE SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 17 at 7:00 PM OPRFHS Board Room D200 BOE- Special meeting. The agenda (linked below) includes a summary and review of feedback from the Community Forums on the Pool proposals, as well as a review of long-term facilities planning as impacted by the three pool proposals currently consideration.
AGENDA (link below)

Also on the agenda is a motion to revisit Option 5, a more recent option that would reorient the ball fields and tennis courts to make space for a new Natatorium with a 40 m pool.   LINK below:


Three proposals for Long Term Facilities Planning will be presented at the meeting. These three proposals are tied to the three new pool proposals. A LINK to the LTFP summary is below. On the LTFP proposals, Option 1 corresponds to Pool Proposal Option 2; LTFP Option 2 corresponds to Pool Proposal Option 3; LTFP Option 3 corresponds to Pool Proposal Option 4. A little confusing… AND, if the Board decides to pursue the revised Pool Proposal Option 5, it may get even more confusing.

Here is a LINK to a recap and cost estimates for the LTFP proposals:
Link to LTFP Propsals and Cost Estimates
Of particular note are pages 2, 7 and 12 where there are tables outlining the proposed building changes and cost estimates.