Thanks to all your efforts over the last nine months, it appears likely that the question of what to do about the high school's pools WILL BE PUT TO A VOTE in a referendum this fall! It seems the school board also realizes the importance of on-campus, off-street parking; the plan includes a new parking garage with the aquatics facility. WE MUST STAY ON TOP OF THIS ISSUE.
The next step is for D200 to finalize the facility plans for Option B, the cost and its funding mechanism (by Aug 16) Send your thoughts via e-mail to We will continue to advocate for the PRAGMATIC POOL SOLUTION. While we are disappointed that a more expensive option was chosen that takes down the existing garage, it is encouraging that the majority of the community agrees with our position, according to the public opinion phone survey (LINK) conducted by a professional research company commissioned by the high school. PLEASE STAY INVOLVED.
NOTE: At the D200 School Board meeting on MONDAY, AUG 1 the board announced it has chosen Option B. This option tears down the current parking garage and replaces it with a smaller garage and an 8-lane, 40-meter pool.
See this LINK to the agenda for that meeting - it contains further links to specific documents with lots of additional details on the three options: