The Referendum Question is the LAST item at the very end of the BALLOT. Vote NO!
^ smaller replacement garage is inadequate for current & future needs
^ high school already pays almost $60K/year to rent spaces in the Pilgrim Church lot (LINK)
^ garage needs routine maintenance but is structurally sound
^ see the parking study HERE
^ tax increase for new bond debt
^ as property taxes go up, so do rents
^ reserves of $100 million taxpayer dollars
^ other tax increases are coming, including an 8.97% tax levy increase in Oak Park (LINK pg 3)
and D97 (Oak Park elementary schools) plans a referendum for April 2017
^ $12+ million to demolish and rebuild a parking garage
^ environmental impact of demolition
^ land & money are limited resources and must be allocated with care
^ pool is larger than needed; this large pool dominated all decisions
^ academic needs are secondary, classroom & performing arts expansion totals just $7.5 million
Look HERE for MORE INFORMATION on any of these points.