
June 30 BoE meeting continues the discussion from 6/23

            The D200 Board of Ed has added a special meeting for THURSDAY, JUNE 30 with public comment beginning at 6:30 PM - in part this continues some of the discussion from the June 23rd meeting.  The full agenda for 6/30 has been posted at this LINK and includes an updated Decision Timeline (LINK) as well as the Program Verification document referenced in the images below.  
                Here are the primary topics listed on the agenda: *Decision Timeline (see below)  *Present Pool Verification Program   *Discuss Facilities Plan Comparison Chart   *Motion to Move Facilities Plan to Community Meetings   *Additional Information Requests
               At the June 23rd meeting, board members had questions for Legat about the various plans, now known as A, B & C, and how they each integrate with the Long Term Facilities Plan as well as how they fit into the Pool Program Verification document prepared by Legat in September 2015 for the original natatorium proposal on the site of the parking garage.   
            Plan A is the pragmatic plan.  It is the least expensive, leaves the existing parking garage and rebuilds two pools inside the Field House.  Plan B calls for removing the existing parking garage and rebuilding a new pool building and parking structure.  Plan C also leaves the existing parking garage and places the pool building underground.  Here's a LINK to an abridged 18 page version of the full 40+ page document.
             Here are a few images taken from the Pool Program Verification document - keep in mind it was prepared for the original plan to build a 50 meter pool.  Please also see the POST from 6/23 for links to important information presented at that meeting (LINK).  The final image shows the Decision-making Tmeline.


Pool and Facilities Options and Referendum Ballot Questions

The D200 Board of Education is meeting Thursday evening, June 23.  The agenda, linked HERE, includes further discussion of the UNDERGROUND pool option and how to incorporate that plan into the COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS that will be taking place within the next few weeks.  Public comment is set to be heard beginning at 7:50 PM, after the board completes some necessary business matters.  Following the public comments, the board will again take care of some routine matters, and discussion on the ACTION ITEMS is set to begin at 8:30 PM.  The POOL OPTION 5B (the proposed underground option - LINK) is the third action item to be considered.

Discussion of POOL FUNDING OPTIONS is set to begin at 8:55 PM with a presentation by William A. Blair, the district's investment banking company who is advising on the bond issue.  Here is a LINK to their presentation.  It is about 18 pages and filled with a lot of technical bond and finance information, along with other less technical information.  It includes various scenarios for the different pool options and possible wording for a referendum ballot question.  There are several options as to how the referendum can be worded and it does not necessarily have to be specific as to the purpose of the bond issue.  
Some highlights include (images taken from the presentation linked above): 

Note that this labels as "Option A" the plan to renovate and rebuild the existing pools, and keeping the current parking garage.  The plan labeled "Option B" includes building a new structure to include both a parking garage and a swimming facility.  The third, "Option C" includes the underground pool, the cost of which is yet to be determined.

Below is a chart summarizing the effects of a $20 milliion bond issue vs. a $35 million bond issue on a typical taxpayer.
Below we see how the wording of the referendum question will effect how the high school uses the funds if the referendum is approved.  In the actual report, this page is followed by three examples of actual questions that may appear on the ballot.

For a more complete idea of how the referendum question might be worded, please see the last few pages of the report (LINK).


June Pool and Garage discussions - D200 Board meeting on Tuesday, June 14

There is a special D200 Board of Ed meeting on TUESDAY, June 14 at 7:30 PM in the Board Room (2nd floor) Agenda (linked below) focuses on the Pool and Facilities Planning Process.  Public comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting.
A. Review Project Timeline (LINK to more info )
B. Present Revised Long-Term Facilities Plan
C. Proposed Pool Option 5B Update
  • 1. Legat Architects Peer Review of Option 5B
  • 2. Construction Cost Systems estimate of Option 5B
  • 3. Building Program Comparison Chart
D. Approve Proposal for Further Structural Study of the Garage  ( LINK to more info )
E. Approve Pool and Facilities Options to Include for Phase II of the Community Engagement Process 
The DECISION-MAKING TIMELINE for Pool is summarized at this time as follows:
● Thurs., June 23 Board meeting:
    ○ Report on format of July community engagement.
    ○ Presentation by Liz Hennessey on funding options.
●Week of July 11-15: Phone survey conducted.
● Wed., July 13: Community engagement meeting (tentative).
● Wed., July 20: Community engagement (tentative).
● Date TBD but before July 28, Special Board meeting (?): Report from phone-survey consultant.
● Thurs., July 28, Special Board meeting:  Approve final pool project as well as type and amount of bond.
● Tues., Aug. 16, Special Board meeting: Approve referendum question.
● Mon., Aug. 22, 2016: Deadline for submitting referendum question for November ballot.