
IMAGINE Process Continues - ATTEND and PROVIDE INPUT on FEB 27

in the OPRFHS South Cafeteria at 7:00 PM
Learn what the IMAGINE team has discovered over the past six months of research and data collection, including site visits to area schools that have completed significant facilities improvements in recent years. (more info HERE)

Formed in spring 2017, the Imagine OPRF Work Group is charged with making recommendations to the Board of Education for a fiscally responsible FACILITIES PLAN that supports equity and current and future academic programming needs. Imagine OPRF will review previous facilities plans and research, explore new options, and gather community input.

In December 2016, the Board of Education approved creation of a community engagement committee to make recommendations for a long-range facilities plan. The final work group has 43 members (LINK to list of members) who met for the first time on Aug. 26, 2017. They are divided into FOUR work groups, each with a specific focus:
  • Academics/Student Achievement
  • Athletics/Extracurriculars
  • Performing & Fine Arts
  • Physical Condition/Safety & Security.
In addition to the orientation meeting on August 26 and separate work-group meetings, the Imagine team has had 5 general monthly meetings to review their work, with 4 more on the schedule.  Here is a  LINK to a timeline of meetings and summary of topics and discussions for these meetings.

Future Community Engagement Meetings include:
APRIL 16 - possible facilities options revealed, based upon research and community input
MAY 21 - refining and narrowing down the options