Elections April 2017

** D200, D97 and Oak Park Village Board and TWO D97 Referendum Questions**
Check out our VOTING GUIDE for our recommendations

APRIL 4 is the date of the upcoming MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS when we will be voting on members for the OPRFHS D200 School Board, the Oak Park Elementary D97 School Board, the Library Board, the Park District Board and the Oak Park Village Board of Trustees, plus TWO D97 REFERENDUMS. Early voting has begun at OP Village Hall for Oak Park residents.  River Forest residents should check Here for early voting information.  On April 4, vote at your usual polling place.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for a

Several candidates for local office have been supporters of a pragmatic solution. We encourage EVERYONE to take as active a role as possible in supporting these candidates. They include: 

For D200
OPRFHS School Board 
MATT Baron: (facebook PAGE, website LINK, email Matt 
JACK Davidson: (facebook PAGE, website LINK, email Jack 
DOUGLAS Springer: facebook PAGE, website LINK, email Doug 

For D97 Oak Park Elementary Schools 
HEATHER Claxton-Douglas: facebook PAGE, website LINK, email Heather 

Oak Park Elementary Schools D97 REFERENDUM INFORMATION (LINK)
TWO questions are on the ballot:
~ One referendum will issue bonds to replace bonds that are maturing.  Proceeds will be used for construction projects. 

~ A second referendum will increase the tax levy to provide operating funds.
The OP Township Assessor's office has information about the property tax implications HERE.
D97 has information about the referendum HERE.

Village of Oak Park - BOARD of TRUSTEES
There are three Trustee seats plus Village President up for election and seven candidates in the race for these seats.  Because the Village of Oak Park owns the PARKING GARAGE at the high school, the Village Board is a key partner if the high school decides it wants to use the garage location to place a new swimming pool.
Our preferred candidates are DENO Andrews, SIMONE Boutet, and DAN Maroney

Check out our VOTING GUIDE for additional information

There are many ways you can help. One of the most important is helping the candidates COMMUNICATE with voters by "liking" and "sharing" facebook posts, hosting a "meet the candidate" coffee or social hour, displaying a yard sign, distributing door hangers, distributing literature, and just keeping yourself informed and talking with your fellow residents. 

Please consider VOLUNTEERING on any of these campaigns. Contact the candidates directly or send an e-mail to d200pragmaticsolutions@gmail.com

Go to Sign-Up Genius to sign up to HELP distribute literature at train stops:

CANDIDATES FORUMS - click on the image below to see a larger version.