

Thursday, July 28 at 6:00 PM at the High School is a Special Meeting of the D200 School Board - the primary issue on the agenda is the swimming pool. Public comment is welcome. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may send your comments to BOE@oprfhs.org. Here's the AGENDA:

For a complete history of this issue since the petition for referendum forced the high school to reevaluate its options, follow this LINK to our facebook page with a summary of events since last December. 

Once again, the D200 School Board is hosting community meetings to present the three options under consideration for pool and facility improvements.  These are:

  • $22 million to REBUILD the two current pools, while maintaining the existing parking garage
  • $42 million to BUILD a NEW parking garage structure that will include a new pool
  • $50 million to BUILD a new UNDERGROUND structure for a new pool, maintaining the existing parking garage
  • ALL options include a competition-sized pool plus additional improvements and/or expansion of existing instructional spaces, most notably for the performing arts (music and theater) with total costs (for the pool and facilities upgrades) estimated to range from  $39 million to $64 million. For DETAILS of the pool & facilities options, see the chart at this LINK
The meetings are scheduled for TUESDAY, JULY 19 at 7:00 PM at OPRFHS and WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 at the PRIORY Campus of Dominican University - Aula Auditorium (here's a LINK with a map) The meetings are expected to last about 2 hours, with the same format followed each night.  Please attend and share your thoughts if possible.  If you are not able to attend, please let the School Board know your concerns by sending an e-mail to: BOE@oprfhs.org.  The board has also contracted with a market research company to do a telephone survey during that same week in an effort to reach additional community members.

The goal is for the board to have the information it needs to make a decision on a final option at its meeting on Monday, August 1.  At that time it will also determine how to finance the project  and what portion will be bonded and what will come from reserves.  On August 16 they will discuss the wording of the referendum question.  The final DEADLINE by which the referendum question must be submitted in order to appear on the ballot in November is Monday, August 22.