
June 30 BoE meeting continues the discussion from 6/23

            The D200 Board of Ed has added a special meeting for THURSDAY, JUNE 30 with public comment beginning at 6:30 PM - in part this continues some of the discussion from the June 23rd meeting.  The full agenda for 6/30 has been posted at this LINK and includes an updated Decision Timeline (LINK) as well as the Program Verification document referenced in the images below.  
                Here are the primary topics listed on the agenda: *Decision Timeline (see below)  *Present Pool Verification Program   *Discuss Facilities Plan Comparison Chart   *Motion to Move Facilities Plan to Community Meetings   *Additional Information Requests
               At the June 23rd meeting, board members had questions for Legat about the various plans, now known as A, B & C, and how they each integrate with the Long Term Facilities Plan as well as how they fit into the Pool Program Verification document prepared by Legat in September 2015 for the original natatorium proposal on the site of the parking garage.   
            Plan A is the pragmatic plan.  It is the least expensive, leaves the existing parking garage and rebuilds two pools inside the Field House.  Plan B calls for removing the existing parking garage and rebuilding a new pool building and parking structure.  Plan C also leaves the existing parking garage and places the pool building underground.  Here's a LINK to an abridged 18 page version of the full 40+ page document.
             Here are a few images taken from the Pool Program Verification document - keep in mind it was prepared for the original plan to build a 50 meter pool.  Please also see the POST from 6/23 for links to important information presented at that meeting (LINK).  The final image shows the Decision-making Tmeline.